100 days to go…


“If nothing else works, a total pig-headed unwillingness to look facts in the face will see us through.”  Blackadder 
I’m not sure if I feel positive or just scared.  Today it is 100 days until our office closes.

It’s quite a marker, 100 days until I leave what I’ve known like the back of my hand, leaving friends and leaving my comfort zone …

9 years is a long time to now need to move on…

But, it could be 100 days until I start new employment, new surroundings, new colleagues and new friendships.  New challenges and hopefully new positives changes.  

It’s always scary leaving what we know and having to learn new ways, but it’s also stimulating because we all get itchy feet now and again and need new challenges, so I’m hoping that today, the 100 day count down, will be the start of something new and positive.

Tick tock, tick tock, now the challenge starts, to find a new job that ticks all of my boxes.  Challenging, interesting, stimulating, mixed language environment and also helping others in some way, and preferably the organization has a connection with Africa, now that would be a bonus!

One response to “100 days to go…

  1. 100 days until the rest of your life begins. Everything happens for a reason we just don’t realise it at that time. What a great opportunity you now have to get out of your comfort zone and set up a business that ticks all your boxes. You will never get that working for someone else. Go for it girl in 100 days you could set up an amazing business with your skills…. love Bob

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